RE: [Fanfic] Ginga X Densetsu: Their destiny was forordained

James Baker (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:37:41 +0200

At 17.53 1997-07-16 -0500, Califf, Jennifer wrote:
>Like, Kamui.  Or Fuma.  Or Seishirou.  Or Subaru.
>Or for that matter, any of the super-psychic powers that are shown in
>the story.
>Virtually every major character in X has rediculously powerful psychic
>abilities.  Okay, maybe having a sword grow out of your hand wouldn't be
>considered a "phenominal cosmic power", but if you consider the power
>levels of the above four mentioned characters, I think they more than
>make up for it.  I'm trying not to do a one-to-one "this character is
>that one" type story, but instead use the basic plot of X with the
>characters and setting from Galactic Heroes  -- if that makes sense.
>This story won't necessarily be parallel to either.

Well, this doesn't make much sense to me, guess I'll just have to wait to
read your story huh?

Thank you 
My E-mail address is <>
James Baker (A.K.A. Chong Li)