Michihara-sensei's artbook...

Monica/Akira-chan (monica@pipeline.com)
Thu, 24 Jul 1997 07:51:16 -0400

Portraits of Heroes- the LoGH artbook by Michihara Katsumi is at my
Asahiya... if anyone wants me to pick up a copy, mail me, okay?

Ah... and will scan in a few pics to show...

Monica/Akira-chan/Heero/Hayama/Naga/Kircheis no Miko- Proud TABBE! Member
monica@pipeline.com - http://www.pipeline.com/~monica/ -fics, pics, tapes!
Loves- CLAMP, LoGH, MB, RKen, Z/B, Gundam, EVA, KoDoCha, RoV, Subby, Sieg
"Tell Annerose-sama that Sieg kept his promise..." - Kircheis-sama
"Watashi no Andre?" Oscar Francois de Jarjeyes