[admin] unsubscrib info

Sledge Hammer! (hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU)
Wed, 10 Sep 1997 14:40:20 -0700 (PDT)

List members,

Lately I've been getting some requests to be removed from the
list. If (god forbid!) you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing
list, send mail to majordomo@csua.berkeley.edu with the following
command in the body of your email message:

   unsubscribe logh <your_email_adress>

where <your_email_address> is the email address you specified when you
originally subscribed. For example, if your normal email address is
galewolf@admirality.gov.od.ge but you subscribed for some reason as, say,
galewolf@beiowulf.admirality.gov.od.ge, then use the latter. 

Also, should you have any other admin-related questions or requests,
please direct those emails to me at hankwong@soda.csua.berkeley.edu
Or if you can't remember my name, use logh-owner@soda.csua.berkeley.edu

LoGH list administrator

Hank Wong				hankwong@soda.csua.berkeley.edu 
California '95				Technical Writer and PP-ASEL-IA
Legend of the Galactic Heroes List Administrator