Re: Announcement!

Walter Amos (
Sat, 3 Jan 1998 21:55:52 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 2 Jan 1998, Lee Thompson wrote:

> Since Walter has left UTEXAS and UTEXAS anime club seems to have removed their link to the
> LOGH info center (it's still kinda there but only if you know where it is), I've opened
> up: 

Blech! I didn't realize the link was that spotty.  When I get back to Houston
(I fly back from vacation tomorrow morning) I'll try to get in touch with some
folks and see what can't be done about it.

Incidentally, while on my vacation, I went out to the Kinokuniya Books in the
Fort Lee NJ Yaohan Plaza, where I bought the December Animage that has the ad
for the new LGH side stories.  If desired, I could scan it and put it up if
anyone needs to see it and doesn't have access to a magazine.  

(2 bits of Good/Bad Incidentals :
Good:  while in the Yaohan I also had a nice Japanese lunch with the
lady who played the voice of Nova in the first 2 series of the English Star

Bad: I heard a rumor that since the parent company of Yaohan invested heavily
in Hong Kong and has gone belly up in all the recent Asian economic troubles,
this could mean the possible closure of all Yaohan plazas in the US.  Anyone
heard anything about this?)

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |