a use for the game

Califf, Jennifer (jcaliff@nsai-petro.com)
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 17:35:28 -0600

I can't get very far in that LoGH Gin4EX game, and not being able to
read more that 50 Chinese characters probably has a lot to do with it.
However, far from being a great loss, I have actually come up with a use
for the game.  The pics of the admirals are really nice in that game.  I
did a screen capture of my favorite characters, reduced the pics, and
turned them into icons.  The colors are simple enough that even when
reduced to 16 color bitmaps, they are still recognizable and actually
look good! They end up looking like black and white pics of the
characters with some color in the hair and backgrounds.  I actually like
them a lot!

Thanks for posting the game, even if I can't really play it (yet).

Is there anyone who really understands the game who could at least
explain the different screens and how to get started?  I managed to get
to the map of the galaxy, and my fleet was at Odin.  However, I don't
understand how to move my fleet or do anything else for that matter.



Actually I am a lab mouse and this is all part of an intricate plan to