Re: Translation of Logh.

Ieong Sze Chung Ricci (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:52:24 +0800 (HKT)


>      Oh, really? I haven't gone that far too. But I've scanned some series that
> Ihaven't read. Is it that lady who is from the nobility and has milkish yellow
> hair?

	Yes, you are correct.
>      Are there any suggestions on the Alliances side? And I think the side stories
> focus mainly on the internal side of mainly Reinhart and Julian. Does this mean
> that the two has something in common?

	I don't think that the story focus on Julian. Julian is not a
suitable person to compare with Reinhard. He is too weak especially from
the side story (book 2) on Julian's diary. He seems to be a housewise
rather than a leader.

						Ricci Ieong Sze-Chung
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