Re: Misc

C Sue Shambaugh (
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 20:47:35 -0500

Sentiono Leowinata wrote:
> Greeting,
> Thanks a million to Sue - really appreciate your translation. There
> is one question though. Has anybody ever see Sue? She does a great
> job, but I have never seen how she looks anywhere. Perhaps Sue can
> send us a picture.

Nah, but you can glom a look at me and my husband here:

If I'd known they'd go on a public website, I would've
made an effort to look less peeved, but there you have it.

BTW, the same Oscar/Ferzen costumes just won us a prize
at the Craftsman level, titled "Honored for Excellence in
Re-creation," last weekend at Balticon 32.  Not too shabby.  :>

- Sue