Re: RK (off topic)

Chen-Ting Ma (
Sat, 18 Apr 1998 11:07:07 -0700

>Have you seen Ruroinin Kenshin? I think it is a good one (up to
>episodes 66, the rests are not so interesting). 
>BTW, does anyone know how many episodes available for RoV and
>Ruroinin Kenshin? (especially the subtitled one).
>Sentiono Leowinata,, Fredericton-NB-Canada, 506-454-0876 
>"You can if you think and you believe you can"          
I just bought ep. 70 something from Shinsen Gumi the subtitle group.  go to
Anipike for details.  I truly recommand this series to anyone interested in
Japanese history or
samurai fighting.