Re: LoGH appeal/release possibilities

Walter Amos (
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 22:22:58 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998, Hank Wong wrote:

> I was talking about release possibilities to some friends after the panel.
> We all agreed, LoGH would not be viable as a straight video release in the
> US. Some alternative ideas we tossed out were:
> (1) Some company does the series, but only on a limited run and after a
> certain number of preorders (a la AnimEigo with KOR)
While this might work, I would be disappointed to see it go this route
because it essentially guarantees the show will never get exposure to
anyone outside the very limited existing fan audience.

> (2) Some company gets only the movies initially, with an option for the
> rest of the series. This might not even be feasible, given that
> Kikukawa-san stated that the series would only be sold to an American
> company as a _whole_, not in parts. 
Yes, give Kikukawa's attitude this probably wouldn't happen - and I can
understand his reasoning too.  However I think maybe of you did it in
the context of "By showing the movies we are trying to increase
awareness and fan pressure on the US broadcasters to pick up the rest
of the show, which would not happen otherwise" maybe this might be
possible.  See my point below.

> (3) Fan campaign to get a PBS station interested in the series, as
> a group of Lum's Stormtroopers did with KTEH-TV for Urusei Yatsura.(For
> those of you not in the USA, PBS is a network of TV stations that show
> educational and special programming without any commercials- they rely on
> viewer and corporate donations.)
Hmmm....I'd be interested to hear exactly what KTEH *did* with UY once
it decided to show it.  But I was encouraged by a bit of news/rumor I
heard today.  I have long maintained that the best venue for LoGH would
be as a special series on the Sci Fi channel.  Unfortunately lately it
seems the SciFi channel has no money and has only been showing reruns
of the same old cruddy B movies and cheap 70s TV shows.  However I
heard today that SciFi channel was doing TV movie adaptations of
several classic Isaac Asimov novels such as "Caves of Steel".  Perhaps
if they are willing to invest in creating original programming based on
popular novels there might actually be some hope of someday convincing
them to license LGH for broadcast.

> Note that these are all just _ideas_ so don't go around starting any
> rumors! But hey, even Gundam is being released in the States (and they
> said it couldn't be done), so don't abandon all hope yet!
Well, I believe it is precisely because it couldn't be done that it is
being done!  What I mean by that is - for years people here have been
trying to license pieces of Gundam (0083 or just the recent series for
example) but Sunrise always wanted to see ALL of Gundam as a singler
package, from the first episode through the OVAs and possible also the
news series like Gundam Wing.  Of course no US company could afford
that much of an investment.  So finally after being able to sell the
package to anyone else, Sunrise is finally just plain doing it

> Though I wouldn't mind seeing a parody sub/dub of an LoGH episode :)

Well... although I never thought about a parody of a whole episode, I
*did* toy for a while during our subtitling of the "Overture to a New
War" movie of doing a parody subtitle over the movie trailers at the
end of LD (this was a frequent thing done by the "Dallas Operator 7-G"
subtitler some time back - take a look at their old fansub of
"Supernatural Beast City" for some hilarious stuff!).  I was thinking
of things like, when Reinhard reaches up to "seize the stars in his
hand" saying something like "Hey there's a fly in the control room!
Ah, there I got it!" ^_^  But by the time I got to the end of the movie
I was too tired and burnt out to want to time the additional subtitles.

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |