Re: LOGH Chat Page

Deborah Brown (
Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:41:59 -0500

Lee Thompson wrote
>>Just change your nick.
Joe Monson wrote:
>If the bot pissed-off a high muckitty-muck @ EFnet, they could have >banned anyone from her domain. Changing the nick won't help her if >that's what has happened. The only thing to do then is inquire with the >resident BOFH and see if that's what has happened.

That's exactly what happened. (Had my arms full of wriggly boy and
couldn't go into details.) Apparently some idiot who'd been using
ERInet as their ISP had gotten onto EFNet (and I think at least one
other server) and started up a self-replicating Bot. Kono baka-yaro
desu. I've not actually checked with ERInet to see if that's why I
can't get on EFNet now, but one of my friends who was also on ERInet
told me that was *probably* the cause.
>Or change ISPs.
I could, but it's more trouble than it's worth. My current addy has
been passed out far and wide and I don't want to have to change it if
I don't have to.

So, the question stands, if there's a way to get chatting on EFNet via
a website, could someone pass it on to me?

Deborah "Can't think of an Internym right now" Brown

Chain-mail isn't much defence against an arrow. It certainly 
isn't when the arrow is being aimed between your eyes.
			Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

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