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Yang and Laguna (minor FF8 spoiler)

Lynn Tse (
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 00:52:43 -0500

I'm just wondering, if anyone here is playing FF8 and thinks that Yang and
Laguna are somewhat similar.  I've only played very little of the game (up
to where Laguna jumps off the cliff), but here's what I found:
1. Both are soldier that actually wanted to do something else.
2. Both are carefree
3. Popular amoung friends
4. Scratches their head often :)
What do you think?  (I suppose it could be very different later in the

-- Lynn Tse
-- hpage:
-- anime music:
   And I ask you
   Can we ease the pain of those who lost (The force of life goes on)
   Can we know the cause of all this sorrow (Tears of Lonliness)
   Can we catch the tears of a broken world
   Falling down upon the earth....
   -- "Stars of Tears" Masato Kato, from XenogearsI