Mailing List Archive

Re: LOGH Chat Page

Joe Monson (
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 20:30:56 +0900

At 05:48 +0000 99.1.07, Lee Thompson wrote:
>On Wed, 06 Jan 1999 21:51:42 -0500, you wrote:
>>"Califf, Jennifer" wrote:
>>>This one seems to work pretty well.  If you know of a web-based IRC
>>>gateway that I can connect to from work that will work through the
>>>firewall they have up here, please let me know.
>>I second the question, since EFnet - because of some dweeb on ERInet
>>with a bot - won't let me on.
>Just change your nick.

If the bot pissed-off a high muckitty-muck @ EFnet, they could have banned
anyone from her domain. Changing the nick won't help her if that's what has
happened. The only thing to do then is inquire with the resident BOFH and
see if that's what has happened.

Or change ISPs.


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