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Re: LOGH Chat Page

Joe Monson (
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 01:22:52 +0900

At 09:41 -0500 99.1.07, Deborah Brown wrote:
>Lee Thompson wrote
>>>Just change your nick.
>Joe Monson wrote:
>>If the bot pissed-off a high muckitty-muck @ EFnet, they could have
>>>banned anyone from her domain. Changing the nick won't help her if
>>>that's what has happened. The only thing to do then is inquire with the
>>>resident BOFH and see if that's what has happened.
>That's exactly what happened. (Had my arms full of wriggly boy and
>couldn't go into details.) Apparently some idiot who'd been using
>ERInet as their ISP had gotten onto EFNet (and I think at least one
>other server) and started up a self-replicating Bot. Kono baka-yaro
>desu. I've not actually checked with ERInet to see if that's why I
>can't get on EFNet now, but one of my friends who was also on ERInet
>told me that was *probably* the cause.
>>Or change ISPs.
>I could, but it's more trouble than it's worth. My current addy has
>been passed out far and wide and I don't want to have to change it if
>I don't have to.

Had another thought: you could find a fairly cheap ISP in your area (other
than ERInet) and get a SECOND account to use as mainly a backup. You could
then access EFNet using that account. Also: if one ISP was down, the other
might not be down. And if you got an account with someplace like NetCom,
there's no way they would shut off access to _that_ domain--it has too many
users and is too huge.


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