Mailing List Archive

Re: Going to Conventions?

Mysteryman Bob (
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 19:09:36 -0500

> Considering this and also possible other LoGH developments at AX99,
> this may be one of the best cons at which to hype LoGH in America in
> basically forever.  I'm all for a list gathering (how about for
> whatever meal is after the panel?  i.e., if the panel is in the
> morning, maybe a gathering for lunch.  If the panel is in the
> afternoon, meet for dinner, etc.) but I'd also like to see a more
> public presence.  I am hosting a Yamato party in the suite I am booking
> for A-Kon, so someone else would probably have to take point on this
> one, but I'd love to see an LoGH party too...

   I cannot do AX this year (too many family commitments, plus this
itsy-bitsy Y2K thing), but I was planning on a Reinhard shrine in my
room at A-kon.  Don't know if I can duplicate the gravestone from LGH,
but suitable candles, shrouded cels, etc. should do, plus 24-hour
LGHing.  If I have some assistance, we could make it much more publicly