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Re: Future Subtiled Episodes
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:44:08 EST

In a message dated 1/29/1999 4:35:24 PM Central Standard Time,
hankwong@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU writes:

 Another issue is LDs. It's a lot bigger investment to buy a box set of
 many many LDs for a long series than it is to buy one or two single LDs
 (for say a shorter series). Most anime fansub groups are poor enough as it
 is, and don't have the $$$ to shell out $1500-$2000 for all the eps. :( I
 know at least one fansubber who is willing to do the entire series but
 cannot afford the LDs.
 And to partially answer Alex's question, no active groups currently in the
 "fansubbing scene" are doing LoGH. The closest one would be Anime Central,
 but they've got a gadzillion other projects going on concurrently.
Suzuno again...
I'm with Central Anime, and I have all the LOGH LDs except the new Gaiden, and
we'd love to sub them - as I said we have someone who wants to try translating
them, but we're not sure if he's up to it. We're hoping, though.
Cross your fingers !