Mailing List Archive

Re: Future Subtiled Episodes

Walter Amos (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 09:54:50 -0600 (EST)

On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Isaac Alexander wrote:

> Since we have one potential person working on the scripts for LOGH, 
> here's some other questions to throw out there.
> What fansubbers have already worked on LOGH.
> Bruce C.
> Sue Shambaugh
> others?
Well I ran fansubs of the 2 movies ("The Stars, My Conquest" and
"Overture to a New War").  The former was basically running a script
that had already been timed by someone else with minor tweaks, but the
latter was a real job where I took Sue's raw script and did all the
timing and edits myself (so I am a little proud of it. ^_^)

> What is the biggest monetary concern with getting these things subtitled.
> 1. Hiring a good sub-titler?

It should not be necessary to *hire* a subber.  Fan subbing should be a
labor of love.  If I were still living in Austin with access to our old
equipment we used on the other movies, *I'd* offer to fansub them with
the script.

> 2. Buying all the LD's?

Well certainly from a $ perspective buying LDs is probably the biggest
expense, assuming you already have the LD player and computer and
whatnot to do the actual subbing.

> 3. Having the time?

This can be a problem but, hell, we're fans - we don't have lives! :-)

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |