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Subtitled Episodes

Howard Cheung (
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:15:34 -0800

    I enjoy many Japanese animations.  However, Legend of Galactic Heroes is
unquestionably my favorite animation title.  The complexity of LoGH is so
amazing that it rivals some of the best novels I have ever read.  One of the
reasons why I like LoGH so much is that I can identify many historical
figures in the characters from both the Empire and the Free Planet Alliance.
For example, Yeng Wenli is very much like John Churchill, the Duke of
Marlborough.  They are both excellent strategists and masters of tactic.
Above all, they are quiet, cool-headed, and avid history students.  Riehard
von Lohengramm is similiar to Gaius Julius Caesar in that they are both
ambitious nobles who cannot identify themselves with the ruling class.  Both
of their vigor and vision carry them to the streak of immortality.
Furthermore, the details in LoGH battle scenes are actual military tactics
used in many famous historical battles, such as Hannibal's victorious double
envelopment in the Battle of Cannae and the scrotch-earth tactic used
against Napoleon before the titanic Battle of Borodino outside Moscow.
    Without a doubt, Legend of Galactic Heroes can attract a huge group of
educated people in America.  Personally, I think LoGH is a well-written
human drama, not a "kiddy" cartoon many Americans unfairly stagmatize on
Japanese animation.  It is sad knowledge that only 42 episodes are available
in the fansub community.  Earlier someone mentioned that subtitled episode
43 - 46 are "around somewhere".  I really want to obtain such fabled items.
    Due to the length of Legend of Galactic Heroes, it is almost impossible
for any single fansub group to translate it to its entirety.  However, I
truly believe that there are some people who share the same opinion as I do.
Therefore, I purpose that fans of Legend of Galactic Heroes should muster
all possible resources and offer assistance to group(s) who is(are)
dedicated to finish the second OVA of LoGH, and hopefully beyond.