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RE : Historical Figures v. staffs in the Empire
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 13:19:31 EST

I think you are right on the money when you compared the warfare in
the Logh with the situations in the Napoleonic era. Both involves grand 
scales of decisive battles, the deployment of troops, the 2-D like
battle scenes, the old-fashioned bombardment. When the both sides have
the same level of technology, technology no longer matters. You will have 
the Napoleonic-like warfare in space when all the technological 
advantages cancelled out by each other. As you've mentioned, the Battle
of Amlitzer bears much resemblance to Napoleon in Russia. The Battle of
Astate is very much like the Austerlitz Campaign. The Battle of 
Vermillion is very similar to Waterloo when 2/3 of the Imperial Fleet
wasn't at the decisive battle and that causes Reinhard's fleet to be
I don't know what was in Mr. Tananka's mind when he wrote the novel, 
but I would see a strong projection of Napoleon when I read about Reinhard
and the tactics he uses. The comparsions you described are very 
interesting. I think you're also a military history fan, and if
you're interested to read more about the Napoleonic warfare, I would 
recommend Nosworthy's "Battle Tactics of Napoleon and his Enemies".
I think you'll enjoy it.