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Re: Subtitled Episodes

Joe Monson (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 14:50:54 +0900

At 23:25 -0600 99.2.14, Walter Amos wrote:
>On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Hank Wong wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Howard Cheung wrote:
>> >     Due to the length of Legend of Galactic Heroes, it is almost
>> > for any single fansub group to translate it to its entirety.  However, I
>NONSENSE!  I don't understand why people sometimes complain about the
>length of LoGH, when there are plenty of groups willing to devote their
>lives to subtitling endless streams of crap like Sailor Moon,
>Dragonball Z, and others whose number of episodes dwarf those of LoGH.

This is true, tho I like Sailor Moon because it's a good show to relax to-
I don't have to pay attention to it at all, and I can follow along just
fine! LoGH, OTOH, requires me to pay attention. It's a show where it's easy
to miss something if you don't watch carefully. This is a good thing, but
occasionally I need a break to relax my brain.  ^_^

>> > truly believe that there are some people who share the same opinion as
>>I do.
>> > Therefore, I purpose that fans of Legend of Galactic Heroes should muster
>> > all possible resources and offer assistance to group(s) who is(are)
>> > dedicated to finish the second OVA of LoGH, and hopefully beyond.
>> All that's needed are:
>> 1. scripts.
>> 2. scripts.
>> 3. scripts.
>> Oh- Also, I think scripts are needed. I think once there are scripts,
>> everything else should take care of itself.
>I wholeheartedly second this sentiment.

I just had a though. If people are leery about lending out their LDs, how
about recording an episode on an MD or casette tape? Since the dialogue is
the main thing that needs to be translated, this would offer an inexpensive
way to work on it.

Just a thought.


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