Mailing List Archive

LoGH cards adv and doujinshi

Califf, Jennifer (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 08:41:17 -0600

Hi!  This weekend, to assist in my neverending quest for truth, justice,
and more Galactic Heroes merchandise, I scanned the advertisement from
Newtype for the trading cards.  The image, for those interested, can be
found at  I also scanned
the covers of the two doujinshi volumes that I currently own, in the
hopes that I can show it to others and they might be able to help me
find additional volumes.  ^_-  The scan of the covers is  Would anyone be interested
if I were to scan some of the other images from the doujinshi?


Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I can find the answer and then
We can run to the end of the world
-"Small of Two Pieces" lyrics by Masato Kato, end theme of Xenogears