Mailing List Archive

Re: Subtitled Episodes

Graeme Lennon (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 14:45:06 -0500 (EST)

> I just had a though. If people are leery about lending out their LDs, how
> about recording an episode on an MD or casette tape? Since the dialogue is
> the main thing that needs to be translated, this would offer an inexpensive
> way to work on it.
> Just a thought.

The problem is getting people to translate, not getting stuff to them to
translate from. I've sent people dialogue in MP3 format over the net
before. There are dozens of ways to do it - tape is the best, though,
since visual clues can really help get everything right. Especially with
LoGH because of the name cards, etc.

Graeme Lennon -=- -=- Toronto, Canada
                    Shrike on EFNet
             "insightful quote goes here"
  oOo this is line is a seventh dimensional entity oOo