Mailing List Archive

LoGH AX '99!!!

Z107M (
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 23:44:21 -0700 (PDT)

Oki doki, I guess this is a supplementary report to trevor's.  

I too was at the showing of spriggan, but after I realized that they had
so drastically changed the original characters and story, I was very
unhappy, and left after the first battle.  Although the movie was good, it
was.. different, and I was unhappy that the two events were scheduled atop
one another. sigh..

The beginning of the LoGH panel, or whatever one might call it, was very
enthusiastic, I rather liked the very encouraging atmosphere, with many
applaudes, laughter, and overall happy sorta atmosphere to say it simply
in bad english :b

The producer, I'm sorry, I forget his name, then launched into an
introduction of what he had brought to show us... ^_^

Spoiler Alert!!!!!!


Unlike what I had expected...  They did not dub the first two eps!
instead.. they were two eps of the second season battle between yang and
reinhard!!!  The producer wanted a "treat" for us fans, and erm.. ^_^;;
suspected that most of us at the panel had already seen most of first
season and some of second through... certain means ^_^;;;

Although the dubbing was well done... hm.. how should I put it?  They were
not as powerful as what I was used to hearing...  But I'm sure it is
something that can grow on me, though subbed is always preferable, so that
the series may keep its nickname of Legend of the Galactic Voice Actors.

Afterwards, we had about 45 min of Q&A ^_^
And.. much to our dismay... there are three board games for LoGH out
there... all out of print.. sigh... various video games, including the new
super deformed video game, which is apparently a trivia game, unlike the
highly tactical games previously released.  At least one screen saver set.
And well, you get the idea, so much out of our reach, sigh...

And greatfuly so, Jeniffer Califf brought extra cards of her LoGh card
set to sell off.  

Hm, perhaps this message is getting long, so lets leave it at that.
