Mailing List Archive

Re: ARGH!!!!!!! I hate my camera!

Lee Thompson
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:16:04 GMT

What? Your camera uses film?

Go digital Walter.. you won't regret it.

>Damn damn damn!! I just got back my developed photos from AX99, and the
>one thing I feared most more or less happened.  I have a fairly old
>(1986?) camera which has only 1 nice feature, auto-focus.  No zoom or
>auto-advance or auto-rewind.  To rewind the film you must turn a little
>crank.  Normally I can tell when the film is fully rewound but for some
>reason my film rolls this time were abnormally difficult to turn and I
>mistakenly opened the camera before my 2nd roll of AX  pics were fully
>rewound.  Only the first few shots on that roll were harmed, but
>unfortunately this includes the one picture I most wanted from the
>convention, a shot from the masquerade of me in LoGH admiral uniform
>standing between Mr. Kikukawa and Mr. Ishiguro.  Only the right side of
>the photo is hosed, with Ishiguro seeming to be in a light yellowish
>field.  He is still discernible however.  I am hoping fervently that
>there is enough info in the pic that if I scan it maybe it can be
>dorked with in Photoshop to clean it up.  Anyone have any advice on
>this area?  (Of course even if the online version can be fixed that
>still doesn't help the other thing I wanted to do which was mail
>Ishiguro and Kikukawa copies of the photo with a thank-you note.;_;)
>Most of my other pics on the roll are OK, mostly from the rest of the
>masquerade.  However I would gladly sacrifice all of these (esp since
>there are so many other masquerade pix online) if I could have this one
>pic be made whole.  Waaah! :-(
>"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
>  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |

Lee Thompson