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Re: answer, one minor spoiler (if even that) from episode four

Z107M (
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:43:18 -0700 (PDT)

> Or worse yet, the opening sequence to the Gaiden shounenai
> potential there ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

I'm sorry, this lurker just wanted to add her comment on this shounen ai
potential of LoGH.  Although I admit that it is there, tanaka-sensei never
had any such intentions.  In fact, when he wrote the novels, he never
expected such a large female following, which tends to be the more popular
gender for creating shounen ai situations.  

In one panel or some interview of the sort, Tanaka-sensei was specifically
asked about the shounen ai aspect of LoGH.  to this, he responded that
shounen ai makes him uncomfortable and that he'd appreciate it if we did
not try to see his characters in such a light.  

Upon hearing this, I have tried to follow his wishes for I have a great
respect for this man who I have never met.  Therefore, I accept that his
characters are not of that nature and simply have very intimate
relationships without the least hint of sexual tension between the
males because of the greatness of their personalities.  I thought to share
this so that those of you who find the shounen ai aspects of LoGH almost
irresistable might give it a second thought.  However, I can understand if
you wish to continue to read into the opening sequences and such.  To
each, his own.  
