Mailing List Archive

Re: LOGH Panel @ SakuraCOn?

Lee Thompson
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 23:28:35 GMT

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 15:12:22 -0700, you wrote:

>Since I floated this question last week, I wanted to
>get a more concrete response. How many people on
>the mailing list would be coming to Sakura Con if we
>had an LOGH panel, and were able to show the two
>dubs that premiered at AX? 
>Sakura Con is being held March 31-April 2, at the
>Double Tree Inn in South Seattle.
>I'll be talking with the panels director this weekend and
>I want to present him with hard numbers of the amount
>of people that would be coming. 
>I would hope since Lee is a local, that he could help
>lead the forum. I know Hank has expressed interest in
>coming up.

I'd be willing I guess but I am a total introvert so I dunno how useful it would
be :D    I *might* (absolutely NO promise OF ANY KIND, don't even mention it to
people) be able to have Outis Productions fly up to show the english pilot as

Still haven't heard back from the programming guy at Sakura about doing a
LoGH/Classic anime room.

Lee Thompson