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Four New Galactic Heroes Garage Kits at Hobbylink Japan

Scott Swoboda (
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 22:46:16 -0500

Four new kits have been added to the list of Legend of the Galactic
Heroes garage kits offered by Hobbylink Japan at:
vom Kosmosinesef

They include one of the small imperial cruisers like the "Bremen."  My
battle damaged version will now progress!  The other Imperial kit is the
"Tristan," flagship of Oscar von Reuental.

On the Free planets side, a two ship kit which includes Yang's fast
dispatch ship "Leda II" and the "Ulysses"-like battleship with the "T"
shaped front battery.  The other FPA ship is the Ku Horin, flagship of
the ill-fated third fleet.

My order is already in.

Scott Swoboda