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Re: Manga No. 9 /season 1 and SPOILERS! (same ones already spoiled)

Michael Mikulis (
Tue, 19 Oct 1999 10:13:31 PDT

Using the people to waste Alliance supplies was a good tactic.  Note, this 
is war, people tend to use any means neccesary to win and civilians took 
increasingly higher casualties as technology increased (WWII is a perfect 
example).  This is actually nicer than what the russians traditionally do 
since the Imperial peasants were paid back double afterwards and hoarded 
food without telling the alliance.  Note, the alliance didn't have to stay 
in Imperial territory, they could have realized the supply problems and 
withdrawn to a more defensibile, easier to supply area.  Also, the Alliance 
didn't have to loot Imperial peasants known as "procuring on the spot".  
This is the clincher of reinhard's plan since by the end of season 1, the 
Imperial peasants despise the Alliance.

Allowing Westerland to be nuked, saved lives since less people died in the 
war.  However, I would have stopped the attacking fleet and reported that 
Braunschweig tried to nuke his own planet.  It would have had less effect 
than allowing it to happen, but if anyone ever found out that Reinhard had 
allowed the Westerland massacre . . .

Reinhard replied that the rumors were true because Reinhard fealt 
responsibile for it.  You have to give him credit for that.  Most people in 
Reinhard's would have said it's all Oberstein's fault and completely forgot 
that he hadn't decided yet.  They also would think they would have chosen to 
intercept and tried to have it both ways.

The real reason the massacre was allowed to happen is that Oberstein wanted 
it to happen.  Oberstein stated his goal quite succintly in episode 8, he 
hated the nobles.  Allowing the nobles to destroy Westerland did more than 
merely defeat the nobles, it completely ruined them.

Note: Oberstein is from a noble family.  Oberstein and Reuntal are the only 
officers under Reinhard's command with a von in their family name.

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