Mailing List Archive

RE: I'm Back

Califf, Jennifer (
Mon, 17 May 1999 17:57:10 -0500

On Monday, May 17, 1999 5:05 PM,
[] wrote:
> I have returned to this fine mailing list and things have improved.
> I've been working on the much anticipated season 2 Who's Who guide
> for the
> infocenter.   Expect a gargantuan update soonish.

Oh goody.  ^_^  And in celebration, here's a silly little story I'm
writing as I think of it.  This story contains LoGH end of series 3
spoilers, so if you haven't seen that far and don't want to know, DON'T
READ IT.  And for heavan's sake, if you reply with a spoiler, keep the
spoiler space.  ^_^
Yang Wenli was having a really bad day.  However, he felt remarkably
well for someone who'd just died.  Surprisingly well actually.  He
closed his eyes and thought about his friends.  Some of them were going
to be really angry.  He opened his eyes again to look back at his body
lying in a pool of his own blood.  Pretty pathetic.  Suddenly a young
woman's voice rang out from behind him. 

"Yang Wenli, right?"

He turned around to see a young woman with blue (blue?) hair wearing a
kimono and floating on an oar.  

"Yes, and you are?" he asked.

"Oh good!  I'm Botan.  I guide spirits to the spirit world.  Great King
Enma sent me here.  Well, actually that's not entirely true.  His son,
Koenma sent me.  You see, there's been a little mistake."  The young
woman drew a small book out of her sleeve and flipped through the pages.

"A mistake," Yang said, looking back at his body, "just what kind of

"Actually, it's sort of funny," she said, laughing nervously, "You see,
you weren't really supposed to die right now.  Not even Great King Enma
could have predicted that that guy would make such a lucky shot.  Your
death was completely pointless."

"Fantastic,"  Yang said dryly.  "So what exactly does that mean?  Am I
going to hell?"

"No, not exactly," Botan replied, "It was a clerical error that
shouldn't have been made.  So Koenma is going to give to a chance to
ressurect.  Before his father can find out."  Botan whispered the last,
nudging Yang conspiratorily.  Yang, for his part, wasn't exactly sure
what to make of this young woman.  She didn't act the way he would have
imagined a spirit-world guide to act.  She was just a little too
cheerful.  But if she was telling the truth, he wasn't going to pass up
this opportunity to come back to life.

" . . .and it's been hundreds of years since Koenma has given the trial
of resurrection.  The last time it was this boy name Yuusuke.  He was
really strong, and Koenma made him into a spirit-world detective.  You
don't really have that same kind of power, but according to our
information you have a remarkably perceptive mind and incredible
intelligence.  I'm sure Koenma will be very interested in you."  

"Um, thanks," Yang replied, not really understanding what the girl was
talking about.

"Though really, it's hardly a surprise that errors like this should
happen," Botan continued, "after all, you guys have really been keeping
us busy over the past 200 years.  

"Oh my, it's late!!  We'd better get going!" she exclaimed, grabbing
Yang by the arm as she hovered higher on her oar.  "We don't want to
keep Koenma waiting.  Oh, and he's a little sensitive about his height,
so it might be best if you don't mention it." 

"What about my body?"  Yang asked, "Will it be alright?"

"I'm sure your friends will take care of it.  Look, here's one now."

Just then, Julian came running down the hallway, searching for Yang.  He
stopped short at the body.  Yang looked away, unable to watch as
Julian's increasingly hysterical voice called out to him.  

"Let's go now," he said quietly.

Not The End, But The Beginning

Mirai no Yuu Yuu Hakusho


Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I can find the answer and then
We can run to the end of the world
-"Small of Two Pieces" lyrics by Masato Kato, end theme of Xenogears