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I threatened to write it, and so I did.

Califf, Jennifer (
Tue, 25 May 1999 19:30:26 -0500

First, a motto:

To protect the Universe from devestation
To unite all people under one nation
To remove from power the high noble blood
To extend His reach to the stars above
Team Reinhart, blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight

Legend of Galactic Pokemon aka Ginga Poke Densetsu, 
a sequel to Flight of the Valkyries (Macross7 x-over which can be found
on my homepage)

by Jennifer Califf

Stunned by his embarrassing loss to Yang Wenli's Sound Force, Reinhart
von Lohengram had spent several nights alone in his quarters.  Even his
best friend, Seigfried Kirchies, knew better than to bother him when he
was in such a mood.  His fleet had been recalled to Odin, but he dreaded
the thought of returning after such a defeat.  Certainly Braunschweig
and the other high nobles would use this loss to criticize him and
attempt to put him in the emperor's disfavor, but he didn't really give
a damn what the high nobles thought.  However, he was mortified at the
thought of seeing his sister.  He didn't want her to know how he had
failed.  He gazed out at the sea of stars, and dreamed of goals which
now seemed just beyond his reach. 

Suddenly, he heard a light "swish" as the door to his room opened behind
him.  Without turning around, he looked at the reflection of the
intruder silhouetted against the starry sky in front of him.

"What is it, Kircheis?" he asked flatly.

"Lord Reinhart," Kircheis started, then hesistated.  A look of concern
momentarily crossed the young, red-haired man's face as he stared at the
back of his childhood friend. 

"If you're going to say something, then say it.  Otherwise, leave,"
Reinhart said impatiently. 

"Lord Reinhart, " Kircheis started again, "may I speak freely?"

"Say whatever you want.  I've told you before, when we're alone like
this it's just you and me."  Reinhart still faced away as Kircheis took
a deep breath.  

"Lord Reinhart, this isn't like you, " he said, taking a step forward,
"You're not acting like yourself."

"Oh, and who am I acting like then?" Reinhart asked humorlessly, a touch
of sarcasm in his voice.

"Lord Reinhart, whenever there has been an obstacle in your path, you've
always found a way past it.  As long as you put your mind to it, there's
never been anything you couldn't do."

"I couldn't save my sister," Reinhart interjected, "and now I may have
lost any chance to do so."

"Lord Reinhart," Kircheis said emphatically, "you still have a chance to
win.  You can turn this situation around by finding a way to defeat Fire
Bomber and destroy that Sound Force."

"You have an idea," Reinhart said, turning to face his friend, "Tell
me."  Reinhart's eyes met his friend's, and for his face regained that
look of intensity that showed he was thinking not of the past, but of
the future once again. 

"Actually, the idea is not mine at all, but that of Ernst Mecklinger.
Perhaps it would be best if he explained it to you himself.  I'm not
even sure I completely understand, but if what he says is true, it might
be the solution we're looking for,"  Kircheis said, a strange smile on
his face.

Later that day, Reinhart sat at the head of the room, flanked on both
sides by his staff.  They listened in interest, and some in disbelief,
and Mecklinger told them his plan.  Around the room, barely suppressed
giggles could be heard eminating from certain otherwise respectable
officers.  Finally, Oskar von Reuntal spoke up.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry, but this is rediculous," he said, barely
hiding the laughter in his voice.  Kircheis, a look of irritation on his
face, started to speak but was immediately silenced by a look from
Reinhart, who then asked Reuntal to continue.  Kircheis, looking at his
friend and commander, couldn't quite figure out whether Reinhart was
taking this seriously or not.  Reuntal took a step forward to voice his

"You're telling us that there's a little planet on the edge of the
empire where people catch animals, sentient animals, to use in
gladitorial combat.  It's a barbaric custom, but I suppose THAT at least
I can believe.  But you think that we can use this to fight the
Alliance?  How?  Challenge them to a one-on-one pokemon battle, winner
take all?  Or else how could any animal, even a sentient one, be of any
use in a fleet battle?"  Reuntal finished his speech and looked at
Mecklinger, waiting for a response while several others nodded to show
their agreement with his position.

"Mecklinger?"  Reinhart asked, a half smile on his face.  

"Your Excellency," he replied, "Please allow me to demonstrate my idea."

"Demonstrate?" Reinhart asked, leaning forward in anticipation,  "So
you're saying that you have one of these animals here?"

"Yes, well," Mecklinger said with a touch of pride in his voice, "I am a
member of the Pokemon League, an honor reserved for only the most
skilled pokemon trainers.  It's not something that I usually mention,
since most people would view it as a 'barbaric custom'."  Reuntal turned
a little red, and Mittermeyer, standing aside with the other members of
Reinhart's staff, smirked.  Mecklinger reached behind his back a brought
out a small red and white sphere that immediately grew in his hand until
it was the size of a softball.

"May I, Your Excellency?" Mecklinger asked.

"Please, go ahead," Reinhart answered excitedly.  Kircheis smiled, happy
to see his friend reacting positively to the idea.  Mecklinger pushed a
button on the ball and threw it to the ground in front of him, while
calling out the name of the creature inside.

"Jigglypuff, I choose you!"  The sphere seemed to explode in a burst of
light, and suddenly standing in front of Reinhart was a small, pink
creature.  It was round like a ball, and had huge, soulful eyes.  It
smiled and bounced on it's little pink feet, and called out it's name in
an adorable little voice.

"Jigglypuff!  Jiggly!"

"Oh, my, god.  It's so. . . . CUTE!"  Everyone looked at the speaker,
who stared at the little balloon pokemon with a look of horror.

"Bittenfeld," Reinhart said caustically, "is there a problem?"

"N, no, Your Excellency," he replied unsteadily, "it's just that I think
I'm going to be sick."  Reinhart stared at Bittenfeld with a look that
left little question in his mind.  "But I think I'm getting better," he
added hastily.

"Jigglypuff," said Jigglypuff, frowning cutely at Bittenfeld who
immediately looked away.

"Mecklinger, please continue with your demonstration," Reinhart said,
breaking the tension of the moment.

"Of course, Your Excellency.  By the way, did you bring the ear plugs?"
Mecklinger instructed Reinhart and Kircheis to put in ear plugs in order
to protect them from the demonstration.  "What about us," asked
Bittenfeld, bluntly now that Reinhart could no longer hear him.

"You are part of the demonstration," Mecklinger said, smiling knowingly.
"But don't worry, it won't hurt a bit," he added.

"Jigglypuff?"  asked Jigglypuff, looking up at Mecklinger.

"All right, Jigglypuff.  Sing!!" Mecklinger shouted, making a wild
gesture with his hands towards his prize pokemon.

"I still say this is rediculous," Reuntal muttered under his breath.

"Jigglypuff, jigglypuff, jigglypuff, jiggly.  Jigglypuff, jigglypuff,
jigglypuff, jiggly." The small pink ball of cuteness incarnate sang into
a small green microphone that it seemed to pull out of nowhere.  The
haunting tune repeated itself, calling out into the infinity of space.
Even Bittenfeld had to admit to himself that it was the most beautiful
melody he'd ever heard.  And then he fell asleep.  

When all present staff members had fallen asleep, Mecklinger gave the
command to stop singing, while pulling out his own earplugs.  Reinhart
and Kircheis, amazed at what they had just witnessed, pulled out their
earplugs as well.  Jigglypuff looked around the room in disgust at all
the sleeping people.  Honking in frustration, it looked up at its

"I'm sorry, Jigglypuff," Mecklinger said apologetically, "I guess none
of them could listen to your song.  Jigglypuff, return!"  he called,
holding out the red and white ball.  A stream of light eminated from the
ball, bathing Jigglypuff in a golden glow, and Jigglypuff immediately

"I'm impressed," Reinhart said enthusiastically, "and you think that we
can use that creature's song against the Rebel Fleet?"

"Jigglypuff's song will put any person who hears it to sleep.  All we
have to do broadcast Jigglypuff's song over the Rebel's communication
frequency, and it will cripple their power.  I don't think even Sound
Force will be able to withstand Jigglypuff."

"Excellent!" Reinhart exclaimed, "Kircheis, get me in contact with
Admiral Muckenburger.  I'll get permission to sortie immediately.  I
won't be defeated this time!"  

"At once, Your Excellency," Kircheis answered happily.  It was good to
see Reinhart acting like himself again.

Next episode:  

What will happen when Jiggleypuff sings against Basara in a fight to
determine who truly deserves the title "Sound Force"?  Will either of
them be able to listen to the other one's song? Stay tuned!

Author's notes:

Well, I wrote it.  I'll have to write the next part too.  And then the
story will really be finished. ^_^  For those who care, I chose to use
the name "Jigglypuff" from the English release of Pokemon instead of
"Purin" from the Japanese release.  There really is almost no difference
between the two.  Jigglypuff even sings the same tune as Purin, but with
slightly different words.  "Puurin, puurin, etc.".   C&C welcome.  Let
me know what you think.  ^_-


Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I can find the answer and then
We can run to the end of the world
-"Small of Two Pieces" lyrics by Masato Kato, end theme of Xenogears