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Re: The Legend of Galactic Heroes Cosplay (fwd)

Lynn Tse (
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:33:13 -0500

Ah, Kircheis was played by a man, but the Gale Wolf.... (*Shrudder*)  And

P.S.  Who's that guys that's luggiing the PSG-1 around?

-- Lynn Tse / Xenofabler
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Subject: RE: The Legend of Galactic Heroes Cosplay (fwd)

> Rather than their capes dragging, perhaps it was more of, the person
> playing reinhard was a woman, and that was the pair of black shoes
> handy... Or maybe not..
> I'm stil trying to figure out which of those admirals were women or men...
> o_O  Please someone say kircheis was a man......
> Z107M