Subject: Galactic Garage Kits

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 00:07:32 EST on Fri, Feb 23, 1996
From: <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

Subj: Galactic Garage Kits
Yesterday, after three years of trying, I received my first Legends of
the Galactic Heroes garage kits by AL'BA.  The show isn't as popular
as GUNDAM(yet), so the regular mail-order places don't carry them.
Oni Anime sent a buyer to Japan, and he got me 11 kits for $950.
I've heard that these kits have been easier to obtain in Taiwan or Hong
Kong, but I think these Otakus were just saying that to taunt me.
These 1/5000 spaceships are typically about 7 inches long and come with
lots of decals.  I need to pull out my Conversational Japanese text to
figure out exactly which vessels I have; but I know I need more.  I still
need a Spartanian and Spartanian carrier, an Imperial battleship, and
the Hyperion at the very least.  Does anyone else know how to get these
kits?  Does anyone have any extras?  I'll send anyone who's interested the
address and phone number of Oni Anime:  their buyer is going back to
Japan in April or May.
Scott Swoboda

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