Subject: Re: Next week's Babylon 5

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 00:18:43 EST on Tue, Feb 27, 1996
Walter Amos <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

> Let's not forget, JMS *is* a GHL fan, after all!  He admits that's where he
> got the name for the battleship "Hyperion," ...!  - C Sue

Whoa!  Hey, is this true?  Where did you hear this?  I read the newsgroup fairly regularly from about early 94 to Sept. 95 and
never saw mention of this...

If so I wonder if I can take some credit for it.... About 3 years back I sent
some LoGH tapes (our sub of the movie and then a few miscellaneous episodes)
to Alan Hastings, the guy who wrote Lightwave 3D which is the software used to
render the spaceships in B5.  He really liked it and even came to the
incredibly tiny "Science in SF" panel Eric Luce and I ran at the 93 Anime Expo
which degenerated into an LoGH and B5 discussion.  He said he showed the tapes
to Ron Thornton who actually does the visuals work on B5.  Alan really liked
some of the LGH ship designs, especially the Imperial Valkyries, so I was
secretly hoping some race in B5 would have Valkyrie-like fighters.  But Ron
apparently didn't like the anime ship designs as much but did like the
grandiose historical feel of it, Alan said.  I wonder if this is how JMS got
to see some of it?  It would be really cool and neat if I were indirectly
responsible for getting JMS interested in LGH and naming the Hyperion...:)

(Ego boo, ego boo....)

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |

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