Subject: Re: Down with who?

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 01:09:02 EST on Tue, Feb 27, 1996
Walter Amos <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

In another of my ongoing series of replies to several days old messages:

>Lois Bujold once wrote to the effect that most egalitarians would have
> nothing against living in an aristocracy, if they got to be the aristocrats.

That's the truth!  I know it's that way for me!! :)

But really, it's OK since I know I could run the world much better than the
idiots that are doing it now. :)

> Thing is, most of the point of view is from the top, and the writer/writers
>show a distinct lack of interest in social realist nonsense like you might find
> in the mid-teens Rose of Versailles.  I think it's generally understood that

Ooh, another somewhat shojo drama with court intrigue that I like! :)  Of
course RoV is constrained that it MUST examine the "social realist nonsense"
since that is what was happening in the period.

> Rheinhard et al have more reason to despise the rest of the nobles than just
> the fact that the Emperor took his big sister as a mistress (never really
> understood why that was such a big deal, I'm guessing Tanaka suffers from
> Only-Child Syndrome).
Well it's not just "took her as a misterss" - it's that (a) she had no choice,
(b) Reinhard probably couldn't see her at the palace so to him it was like
taking her by kidnapping, and (c) being forced to serve the emperor this way
she might as well have been a slave.  All this after Annerose is clearly
Reinahrd's surrogate mother after their real mother is killed.  And since
there is clearly little love lost for his father, Reinhard is losing his only
family he cares about to the Emperor.

> The oppression isn't as obvious in the Empire because all of the rebellious
> peasants have already been tossed into the ovens, is my guess.

Well that's the truth.

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |

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