Subject: Re: revised list introduction

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 02:58:08 EST on Tue, Feb 27, 1996
Mark Ma <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

> somewhere in distant space in the 37th-38th centuries, LoGH is a story of the 
>I know that I am the one who said 38th century or so but that was just my best
>estimate.  I have no idea how correct it is.  Sue Shambaugh could probably
>give a more accurate date.  Instead of giving a definite date which may be
>wrong why not just say "in the far future" or "thousands of years in the

>"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
>  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |
        From my Chinese edition of the novels, it seems to take place from
36th to 37th century.  Here is a rough timeline for anyone interested.
Please point out any mistakes I've made.

A.D.    Space Year      Major Event

2700s                           Terran government defeated the colonial
government in 
                                     the Lupus constellation, huge amounts
of treasures                                       looted.
2801                1           The corrupt Terran government was defeated
by an                                             alliance of oppressed
space colonies, the Galactic
Federation found in the planet Theoria.  The treasure 
                                       was never found.

3110            310             Rudolf von Goldenbaum was enthroned as the
Emperor of the Galactic Empire.
3327            527             Free Planet Alliance founded by refugees.

3440            640             First contact between the two powers

3567            767             Yang Wen-Li was born.  Father Yang Tai-Long, a 
                                        merchant, mother an upper-class lady

3576            776             Reinhard was born as Reinhard von Museal..

3596            796             Battle of Astate commenced.


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