Subject: Re^2: This question just pops into my head...

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 18:25:59 EST on Tue, Feb 27, 1996
From: <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

From:    Scott Swoboda
Subject: Re^2: This question just pops into my head...
>> Why are the LoGH opening songs in English?  Seems English-speaking people
>> do not play an important role in the show :)
>Oh?  And what is the Alliance, chopped liver?
Also remember that the Free Planets National Anthem is sung in (sort of)
english.  The lyrics were written in that first CD of yours, Walter.
I'll type them in one of these days so that we may all sing along at our
next convention's karaoke event.
"F is for the Freedom...."
Also, one particular secret code of Yang's in the third series is written
in english (I won't spoil it.).
Scott Swoboda
BTW, I think that German Opera is actually quite popular in Japan.  I
believe that there are actually more opera companies in Japan than Germany.
I guess it has to do with the fact that Japanese like to do things in
groups, and it gives all those 5-year-old violinists a place to play.
I think it would be no problem at all to get them to compose a spectacular
Germanic opening theme for the final season.

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