
by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 10:48:49 EST on Fri, Mar 15, 1996
Ieong Sze Chung Ricci <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

At 09:41 AM 3/13/96 -0800, you wrote:

>I also have read all 20 books of LoGH Chinese edition, and appreicate your
>job very much.  However, as my English standard is not as good as yours, I
>dare not to translate it.  

>BTW, Sharp Point claim that she would publish add-on volumes of LoGH.  Hope
>that I can bought it in HK.


Hi Everybody,

	I've just join the mailing group, so I say a few words to all 
those who are here longer than I. I'm a DVK (LoGH) fans for long already, 
since it was first played on TV in HK.

	Let's talk about the additional story by the author. I think at least 
up to this moment, the publisher didn't meet their schedule of publishing 
that on time in spring. But any way may be after few weeks time, we would 
be able to see it. The Publisher said that the correcting of the book is 
done already, so the four books of addition about the younger time of 
Reinhard and Siegfried.

	Whereas for the time scale you have discussed some time ago. I 
think the exact time scale is calculated like this.

UC 1 = AD 2801
Reich calendar 1 = UC 310
the story starts at UC 796 and RC 487
therefore the exact date should be from AD. 3596

	Talk to you later,

						Ricci Ieong Sze-Chung
             <_H_>        		.___,
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          / ~~|||~~ \ 		 * Ieong Sze Chung Ricci                      *
         /   ~ Y ~   \		 * email :                    *
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