Subject: Re:

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 22:29:24 EST on Sun, Mar 17, 1996
From: <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

Hank et al -

I can sympathize with your efforts to get GHL goods in the US - I've been
trying to get the 3rd LD box set for OVER A YEAR now, and the only reason
I've had any luck recently, is because an acquaintance of mine over there
found me a used set.

Sets 1 & 2 are plentiful right now, and should be orderable via Nikaku
Animart etc., because they have just been repressed to meet demand.  Series 3
was scheduled to be repressed as well, but hasn't been yet.

A friends of ours just found us a large "scroll" from series (I think) 1,
now we just need to find a place to hang it!

The CDs, posters, etc are all as available as can be expected for a series
with a limited audience (it was released on a preorder, delivered-to-your-
home OAV series ONLY, and the fact that it made it onto the air for series 1
was entirely a fluke).  I would love to be able to get a uniform!  Friends
also own the PC strategy games, which look...  long and involved :-)

- Sue

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