Subject: A different perspective on LGH

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 04:14:29 EST on Fri, Mar 22, 1996
Walter Amos <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

This is basically irrelevant to anything, but this evening I had a comment on
LGH which I felt bore reporting.  There is now a small alternate anime group
meeting here in Austin once a month and the theme of this month's meeting was
"Ares God of War" featuring mostly battle and mecha shows.  I naturally took
along some LGH.  We had previously some months back shown eps. 1-2, so this
time I managed to push eps. 3-4 at them and get them some of the personal

In the beginning of episode 4 we see Reinhard in full dress garb to go meet
the Emperor and be rewarded for his service at Astarte.  I made the comment
that "The first time I saw that uniform there were little puddles of drool
forming around my feet.  Those uniforms are so cool I wanted one and
eventually got that costume made."

Well, a woman in the club had a slightly different perspective.  She looked at
Reinhard all decked out and said "Yes, he looks eminently fuckable."


I didn't quite know how to respond but eventually managed "Well I do know that
LGH has dramatically increased the number of females in Japanese SF fandom."


I suppose this can bring up the point I have been thinking about for some
time:  How large do YOU view the "bishonen" (pretty boy) quotient in LGH?  I
remember being a little miffed a few years back when Anime UK mentioned the
show in another article about "Heroic Legend of Arslan" (also by Tanaka) and
described it as "lots of bishonen in space".  While there are undeniable
several pretty boys in the cast, IMO they are really only Reinhard, Kircheis,
and Julian.  Does anybody out there view Yang as a bishonen?  Mittermeyer?
This mailing list is so far composed of mostly males (with a few notable
exceptions) so perhaps this question is being addressed to the wrong audience,
but now that I thought of it I am curious as to other folks' views on this.
Personally one of the many attractions of LGH for me was that unlike most
anime in the main it had character body designs that could actually happen.

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |

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