Subject: Re^2: Iserlohn specs?

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 10:37:34 EDT on Sat, Apr 27, 1996
From: <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

From:    Scott Swoboda
Subject: Re^2: Iserlohn specs?
Sue Shambough Wrote:
>Actually, the author DOES talk about the Iserlohn fortress
>protective armor, but not in very great detail.  It is a
>QUADRUPLE armor of four different substances.  One of them is
>cermaic, I do remember that much.  The outer one is polished to
>a mirror shine to reflect beam weapons.  There is NO repeat
>NO basis for the liquid surface, ther than that it looks NEAT
>when animated.
>Oh, yeah - Something about one of the other layers being
>crystalline caarbon of some sort?  I'm not big on
>chemical words!
Fly ash, since it is a non-metallic mineral created by firing at high
temperatures, does qualify as a mineral!
I have also just thought of another way to explain the lusterous finish
and high temperature resistance of the surface of the fortress.  If the
outer layer of the fortress were made of crystalline carbon, and was
polished, it could be composed of trillions of tiny diamonds!  Not only
could it explain the good optical properties, but it fits in with the
Empire's excesses when it comes to decorating!
Scott Swoboda

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