Subject: Re: LoGH fansub...

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 22:03:00 EDT on Thu, May 09, 1996
Seungtaek Choi <seung@MIT.EDU>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

who do you think would win in a game of chess...... Reinhardt or

Yang would probably win.  Yang has had more "experience" in strategy due to
his study of history.  In my opinion, the only reason why he "loses" to
Rheinhard is due to the fact that Rheinhard has absolute command of his
forces, while Yang is under the command of his superiors.  (Yang actually
says that he's always at a disadvantage...)

| Seungtaek Choi				500 Memorial Drive, Rm. 262 |
|					Cambrige, MA 02139	    |
|									    |
| "We can only be what we are, nothing more, nothing less." -Terry Goodkind |

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