Subject: Re: LoGH fansub...

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 22:10:21 EDT on Thu, May 09, 1996
Seungtaek Choi <seung@MIT.EDU>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

>How could Kirheis have been so humane during the war and now at his last
>moments promotes the war to continue?  Reinhardt to me seems lost without
Kirheis, yet he is spurred on by his last words....... it's as if Reinhardt
is >no longer human, but a robot whose soul purpose in life is to win the

Well, the whole point of Rheinhard conquering the Empire was to reform it.
Both Rheinhard and Kircheis hated the aristocracy and the way it treated the
common men.  When Kircheis saw that Rheinhard would sacrifice the common
people, he began to have doubts about the whole war.   

As for Rheinhard being lost, as characters often say in the series, it's as
if Rheinhard has lost his other half.  Look at what Kircheis was to
Rheinhard: Kircheis could actually think like Rheinhard.  In battles,
Kircheis would always know what Rheinhard was thinking.  And Kircheis was
always there to rein in Rheinhard when he made a rash decision.  You might
say that Kircheis was Rheinhard's conscience...  

Now that the Kircheis is gone, Rheinhard doesn't have anybody to stop him
when he goes over the line...

| Seungtaek Choi				500 Memorial Drive, Rm. 262 |
|					Cambrige, MA 02139	    |
|									    |
| "We can only be what we are, nothing more, nothing less." -Terry Goodkind |

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