Subject: Re: LoGH fansub...

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 22:16:05 EDT on Thu, May 09, 1996
" <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

>How could Kirheis have been so humane during
>the war and now at his last moments promotes the war to continue? 

        Kircheis is fair.  But this is how I interpret his dying words:

        There was conflict between you and me.  But you and me are one, and 
I am always your friend.  I'll be by your side even upon my death.  I am 
your loyal subject and your friend.
        Reinhart cannot stop now.  If Kircheis told him to stop, then 
Reinhart would've been immediately eaten by his opponents.  
        If Kircheis did not support war, he wouldn't have joined in the 
mission.  He is not supporting war to execute people, but to bring 
revolution to liberate the people from meaningless rule of the elite class, 
like Reinhart, who was himself and his sister victims to this sort of class 
structure.  That will bring casualties of war, and that's why he tries to 
think of the best strategy with the least losses.

        How's that?  Buy it so far?

        As for Reinhart... his goals were fueled by the injustice of his 
sister's fate.  From his original dreams, he would try to govern well for 
the people since he was a victim so he understands what it means to be 
supressed and ill-governed... which leaves politics, economics, and social 
structures in shambles.  
        How he progresses throughout the series and changes throughout, I do 
not know yet.  If in fact he has turned into a hopeless Hitler case, then he 
has deterred from his original goals or modified it... and will turn the 
whole mission into a tragedy.

        Why can't I write with such coherent thoughts during my morning exam 
today?  I do not know... Maybe essays should be typed in the future... 
that'll be nice...  Whoops... time to stop typing... ^_^

Lawrence Wan        |Brown Japanese Culture Association Anime Coordinator
PO Box 3054         |              Arimi Fan Club, doko?
Brown University    | "All knowledge is partial and is a function of the
Providence, RI 02912|  knower's lived experience in the world."
tel. (401) 863-6884 |                                  -J.Ann Tickner

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