Subject: Re: LoGH fansub...

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 18:31:47 EDT on Fri, May 10, 1996
Walter Amos <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

> But what I dislike Yang the most is that he doesn't kill Reinhard even if he
> has the chance (great chance!!) to do so.  Why should he follow the Alliance
> government's decision to surrender??  Anybody has a different opinion?

Well Yang does give an explanation at the time but not having a script I don't
have the full details.  Maybe Sue can enlighten us somewhat.  I can see a
certain logic in it - if the Alliance is going to be ruled from the Empire, it
would be better to have it ruled by someone Yang knows to be fairly competent,
like Reinhard, rather than whomever would replace Reinhard if Yang killed him
who could be somebody bad.  And the existing Alliance government has shown
itself to be no great shakes either.

"Zu jeder Zeit, an jeder (sic) Ort, bleibt das Tun    |       Walter Amos
  der Menschen das gleiche..." - Galactic Heroes II   |

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