Subject: Re: [some Spoiler] Yang Wenli's surrender (was Re: LoGH fansub...)

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 13:41:07 EDT on Tue, May 14, 1996
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

On Tue, 14 May 1996, Walter Amos wrote:

> Artistocracy? = rule by artists?  Now that IS a scary thought!  :)

	Oops, another typo..  Time to start using spell checks, I guess.
^^; (But our pine doesn't have one so I can't do it this time.)

> "below the neck"?? I am not sure what you mean by this?  Reinhard has more
> physical prowess than Yang?  If so, not very much, I think.  He has  a better
> body and can be more charismatic around the babes?  Well maybe so, but I don't
> see how this makes him a more able soldier. :)

	I still haven't gotten my copy of the novel.  However, according
to the manga (not the main story, but annex Golden Wing) Reinhard, and
Kircheis alike, are supposed to be very able soldier, excels not only in
war strategy but shooting and physical combat as well. (Apparently
Reinhard gets into fights quite often too, so he's had lots of practice.
^_^) There's also constant attempted assassination because of Annerose's
position in court.  So if they were any less abled, they'd have been
killed times over before reaching the positions they attended in the
beginning of the anime. 

> I suppose this would be a bad time to discuss some elements of later
> developments in the novels (at least as best I understand them...)

	There's a spoiler sign.  However, so far it's mostly what if's. 
(Though the center focus is on the event in eps. 52)

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