Subject: Re: [some Spoiler] Yang Wenli's surrender (was Re: LoGH

by logh@soda.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
at 23:30:33 EDT on Tue, May 14, 1996
Mark Ma <>
logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <logh@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>

At 11:02 PM 5/14/96 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 96-05-14 18:47:52 EDT, you write:
>>>"below the neck"?? I am not sure what you mean by this?  Reinhard has more
>>>physical prowess than Yang?  If so, not very much, I think.  He has  a
>>>body and can be more charismatic around the babes?  Well maybe so, but I
>>>don't see how this makes him a more able soldier. :)
>      A lot of you guys are supporting Mr. Reinhard, but I'm not so sure who
>would win if Reinhard and Yang were locked in mortal combat.  Judging by
>Yangs alcohol "abuse" (don't any of you Yang fans go balistic on my A**, this
>is all just hypothetical) I'm sure he's seen and been involved in a couple of
>bar fights in his time.  One cannot simply say, "Hey, I think tea and Brandy
>would go good together."  It must have taken years of accidental
>experimentation to develop it.  And when it comes right down to it.......
>Reinhard I think would be rather skilled in martial arts, but I believe
>Yang's brute strength would overpower Reinhard.  The fact is Reinhard
>is........ well,........ is kind of........ wimpy.  Once again, I've never
>seen Reinhard or Yang fight so this too is hypothetical.  
        In the novels, just before Kircheis confronted Reinhard about
Reinhard was thinking of their childhood, when he got into a fight with a young
body who was stronger than Reinhard.  The fight was described as...
        "...The boy threatened Reinhard verbally.  Reinhard stared back with his
gemlike icy blue eyes, and then suddenly kicked his crotch.  As the boy fell
forward, he picked up a rock to pound his opponent fiercely.  Even when the
boy lost the will to fight and was bloody in the face, Reinhard still would not
let it end like that.  After hearing it from other boys, Kircheis came hurriedly
to pull him away..." 

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