Siegfried Kircheis |
Rank: | Captain, later High Admiral | |
Occupation: | Advisor, later Fleet Commander | |
Group Affiliation: | The Galactic Empire | |
Base of Operations: | Flagship Brünhilde, later Flagship Barbarossa | |
Marital Status: | Single | |
First Appearance: | MOVIE "My Conquest is the Sea of Stars" (Actual), OAV: "Golden Wings" (Chronological), Book 1: "Dawn" (Novels) | |
Known Relatives: | Unnamed Parents | |
Hair: | Red | |
Age: | Mid 20's | |
Birthdate: | January 14th 467 | |
History: | Siegfried's life is intertwined with Reinhard von
Lohengramm's (for more information on Sieg's early years see Reinhard's entry). Sieg and Reinhard were two sides of the same
coin. One light, one shadow. As children, Sieg was always Reinhard's restraint,
and Reinhard's sister Annerose made him promise to take care of Reinhard always. Siegfried followed Reinhard to the stars and in 482RC he was assigned to a remote planetary base. After their assignment they were transferred to Fleet. (Side Stories: Valley of White Silver) Two years later, as captain of
a planetary patrol, he led an investigation of a grade-school murder case. Sieg ultimately proved to be a very capable fleet
commander, winning the respect and admiration of his men and even some of his enemies. Also appears in the OAV "Golden Wings". |
Notes: | DECEASED (Episode 26) His gravestone has the inscription "My Friend". |
Who's Who in Legend of the Galactic Heroes Season 1 / Kircheis, Siegfried