Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode Guide
Scene|Cold, Clear, Cybernetic Eyes
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Spoiler Warning!  This episode is more momentous than most!



The defeat of Iserlohn Fortress sends shockwaves through the Galactic Empire.

Plot Points

Galactic Confederation was established 2801 AD and initiated the Universal Calendar.

In Universal Calendar 296, Rudolf became a politician and in 310UC he formed the Galactic Imperium and started the "Reich Calendar". His rule quickly turned to tyranny.

Ale Heinessen escaped Imperium in 164RC and formed Free Planets Alliance. First  contact between Free Planets Alliance and Galactic Empire was in 640UC / 331RC.

The Empire does not consider the Free Planets Alliance as a nation, but as a bunch of rebels in the border zone.

Oberstein is now Reinhard's advisor

Kaiser Fredrich wants Goldenbaum dynasty to end.

Unanswered Questions





The history of the Galactic Empire, and the events that led to the creation of the Free Planets Alliance, is first revealed in this episode.



Author: Sampo Haarlaa
Editor: Lee Thompson