Mailing List Archive

Julian Question and FTP notice....

Jonathon Collis (
Wed, 5 Apr 2000 16:36:17 -0400

?: Is it ever explained why Julian went into Yang's "care?"  I saw the ep in
series 2 where they go to his parents'(?) house and they never did out and
out say why they gave up guardianship Julian...

OK, now for the FTP News:
Some stuff on my computer's been acting kooky lately (uploads being 2x as
large as they should be, lots of crashes, etc.) so i've been running disk
doctor-esque software as well as defgragmenting, etc.  Tonight/tomorrow
morning should be the last time I need to take the server down for a while.
Thanks for your support in this.

Also, the last day I will officially have the FTP up before summer break is
appx. May 19.  It may be a couple days earlier, it may also be a couple days
later.  I will be sending the computer back to nebraska with me over the
summer, and will not have high speed access there (56k dialup after 7 months
on a multiple t3 *shudder*) so the server will be down from mid-late may
until late august.  When it comes back up it will likely be under a
different hostmask (

sorry for the inconveniences all, hope to see some (or all) of you (and the
pilot if anyone else would like to go in on running a fan panel and we can
pull it off) at Otakon!


Dakedo Oh!  Kimi no             Oh, but when I stop and look...
kagayaku me wa nani o           ...into your shining eyes
Sagashi tsuzukeru no            What is it you're looking for?
Oh!  My friends                 Oh, my friends.

---Macross7 (My Friends)