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Re: [LoGH] Season 4 questions (spoiler)

Theo Ching (
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 13:33:11 -0800

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From: Rosalind L.--------------------------------------------------------=









>Don't you think Reinhard kinda wanted an enimy him
self? He was bored after Yang's death. Without war,
Reinhard's life has no meaning at all. Reuental merely
>made Reinhard and his own dream come true.

  Oh yes, he seemed to lose all purpose in life after reaching the top of=
 the foodchain and losing his best friend & strongest enemy.  At this rat=
e he'll end up as another Alexander the Great. ;-/

>Oh~, remember in Season 3, Reuental's best
friend...sorry, can't spell his name in German. He
asked Reuental to deal with the woman Reuental's, she came in over there. Didn't she?
Besides, she was with Dominick for quite a while. I
believe Dominick can give her all the informations she
>will ever need to take revenge on Reuental.

  Mittermeyer?  I would've thought his was an easy name to spell. ^_^  We=
ll I didn't have a translation so I don't know what the heck happened.  S=
he was with Dominique, but I thought she was there as her & Rubinsky's pr=
isoner/hostage or something...  Anyway, as for revenge, poor Reuental did=
n't need her help to do himself in. ;-<  Too bad; guy with serious issues=
 with women meets chick with a major chip on her shoulder -- they were pr=
obably made for each other.. ;->


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