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Re: [LoGH] Galactic Heroes Tactical Simulator

keith frye (
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 02:15:29 -0500

At 10:15 PM 3/8/01 -0600, Bob  wrote:

>Actually Imperium would probably be best, mixed in with character cards
>and special action/event cards.

As a strategic simulation, there are a lot of similarities between Imperium
and LoGH (like the twin narrows at Proxima and Sirius - very

What I was looking for specifically was tactical simulation - squadrons vs
squadrons at the ship level.  Fan-based tech stuff is superb for this sort
of thing - either for RPGs or miniature wargames.

The character cards and additional action/events is a very clever idea,
though. That might be my next project.

Cheers aye,